Played a game of Combat Commander tonight from the new Normandy Battlepack. The Battlepack comes with maps, counters, scenarios and special Normandy rules. We played the first scenario in the pack and it used new rules such as starshells and night modifiers. Some of the other rules in the pack that we didn't play with were dealing with things such as armor support, rural roads and swimming. There were around nine or ten new rules that were pertinent to Normandy. The new maps look fantastic like other Combat Commander maps and the chits were also standard fare including new commanders.
We played the Pegasus Bridge scenario, Germans v. British. The Germans were tasked with holding a bridge head surrounded by trenches and wire. There was an artillery gun and a pillbox to complete the defenses. The Germans had poor troops (conscript squads and green teams) and one leader. Reinforcements would arrive on the three or four time box. These were volksgrenediers and rifle squads as well as another commander. Would the weak troops survive in time for help to arrive? Could they hold the bridge?
The British enter the map from a glider so they must be in or adjacent to two specific hexes at set up. The Limeys, mainly paratroopers and elite teams, set up in two groups. One occupied some woods near the map edge and the other started rather forward in the open. Allies had to capture the bridge for victory points. The first couple of turns were the perfect storm for the British. They steadily advanced into and over some wire and stumbled into the front trenches after approaching under the cover of smoke. The most the Germans could do was minimal harassing fire and a little shuffling around of troops. The British machine kept rolling as they continued to assault and capture the infantry gun and pillbox as the Germans made a strategic retreat to the other side of the bridge and into some trenches. At this time it kind of turned into a stalemate with victory points shifting back and forth and the frontlines holding. Time passed and we forgot to do the night sniper at every time event for the entire game! Reinforcements arrived for both sides but the Germans were the only ones that got their reserves into the fight (although, it was mainly to die.) The momentum died around the seventh time box and ended on a sudden death on time marker nine. I could be slightly off about the end, hopefully Paul will correct me in the comments! British won with two victory points. It was a hard fought battle that stayed tight through most of the game. The British big push at the beginning was the keystone to cementing their victory because without that there was no way they could have made it to the trenches as the Germans were throwing out lots of illumination and had a steady hand of fire cards after the push. It is much easier to break those paratroopers when they are moving in the open under illumination.
Overall it was a very fun game that had just the right mix of back and forth to make it feel like you were always in the game. Being able to use Artillery cards was huge as it made cards that are a lot of the time useless have some worth. I am looking forward to see how the remainder of the new rules change the game play experience. I give Normandy Battlepack a 4 (out of 5) finger salute!
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