I have been looking at different blogs for a couple of years now. Some are good, some not so good. Some have frequent updates others languish for months without an entry. I hope to take some of the good and leave the rest as I feel my way through the blog-o-verse. I guess I want to do this to chronicle some of my gaming adventures. I will leave the real-life adventures for another blog.
Gamer cred: Started with red-box D&D but maybe not because I threw the box away after I opened it! A blue cover book with a dragon on the front. From there moved onto Middle Earth Role Playing, Champions, Traveller. I even went to a week long residential D&D camp! Around high school there was this hot new company that made some awesome figures (big, chunky bits!) called Games Workshop (is that copyright infringement?) Got into the fantasy pretty heavy, I played the elves, Kris had the dwarves, Paul had chaos and Matt played humans (?) I don't think that there was 40k at that time. After I graduated high school I joined a RPG group at the university and we played some D&D but I really don't remember all that much as I only attended a couple of times and I was more interested in girls and illicit substances at that time! At that point my gaming tapered off and died.
Pick it back up some years later when I happened to see Warhammer Quest at the local game store (in Boulder, CO). Life had settled a little for me as I had a kid on the way at the time so me and babymomma played Warhammer Quest a lot along with a new-fangled card game called Magic: The Gathering. All that slowed down when I decided to go back to college and actually get a degree in something other than girls and booze.
Fast forward a couple of years to 2006 when Paul introduced me to Warmachine. Instantly hooked. Liked the small model count, like the sculpts, liked the fluff. At the time I said to myself, "Don't get all heavy into this game." I listened to myself for about 2 months then started to collect 2 factions, Menoth and Khador. That little bit opened the door for more gaming to come flooding in. So now I boardgame, wargame, cardgame and hobbygame. I am pretty well obsessed and like to paint and read up on rules when I am not playing. As you can tell I have been in and out of the hobby for nearly 25 years. So this blog will hopefully chronicle my painting and playing in the realm of gaming.
Orc Heavy Infantry (Oathmark)
1 week ago
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