Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Soviet SMG and Command

Got my workspace all spruced up this morning in anticipation of painting up some 15mm Soviet SMG troops by Command Decision. Also have a couple random commander types in there that are holding binoculars or holding a pistol. I prepped these models for painting a couple of months ago but just ran out of steam when I finally got down to actually painting. I was in a frenzy during the late fall/early winter where I was painting almost a squad a day of Soviet infantry. These dudes were left over after I already filled out a platoon of infantry and support. These models are considered extra and would beef my forces if I wanted to play some bigger games. In finishing these models I am completing one box of infantry in this scale. Next up: More armour.
Here is a photo of the SMG troops primed and ready for paint. I use small 1/4" washers for the bases.

The command group primed. I like to use Army Painter Desert Yellow for the Soviet fatigues.

Getting some paint on now. I mainly use GW paints but also like P3 and Vallejo.

Didn't use a whole lot of colors. Fortress Gray, Boltgun Metal, Snakebite Leather, Elf Flesh, Chaos Black and Soviet Green (Vallejo)

All finished except for the basing and a quick coat of anti-shine varnish. I use the "dip method" on ordinary troops. Although it is not really a dip method as I put it on with a brush. I find that I can get more painted figs to the table when I use this production method.

I felt as though I had a productive day. These models have been lingering around and staring at me with a mocking countenance for months now. Finally put them in their place!
I have spent a lot of time over the past couple of weeks concentrating on painting WARMACHINE miniatures at the 28mm scale. It took me some time to adjust to this smaller scale and the way that I paint when I know that I am going to finish them by "dipping." A lot of the times it was just a swipe or two of paint on a figure and then move on to the next.
Next: Still a couple of things staring at me from the desk: Vlad, The Butcher, Warjacks (Kodiak, Spriggan and Destroyer) as well as a couple of Uncharted Seas fleets. The fleets are a real albatross around my neck. See a future blog post about my travails with Spartan Games.

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